bebook features

Thanks to bebook, selling your products is only a few clicks away.

Sellers network creation

Invite  your suppliers and partners in your sales network and communicate better with them.

Catalogue of catalogues

Showcase your selected catalogues. Invite your suppliers to add their catalogues.

Catalogue transfer

Transfer your selection of catalogues to your staff. Allow them to buy online at pre-negociated prices. Control and massify.

Supervision rights

Give senior staff supervision rights to validate or refuse their team’s orders.

Instant messaging

Use instant messaging and communication threads to facilitate collaboration with your suppliers.


Your security is our priority : your catalogues and contacts are saved, only you can give access to catalogues you select, to people you select. Connections are https encrypted.

Centralized order management

Manage all orders in one single portal, find them easily and track their status. Order management is simplified.


Personnalize product search, product hierarchy, workflow, etc… and create your online configurators.

A reactive support team

Get help quickly from bebook’s support team by email, phone, or directly through your bebook account.

Payment solutions

bebook integrates more than 100 different payment solutions used worldwide, such as Visa, Paypal, gift certificates etc…

Choice of language

bebook allows you to translate your catalogue in more than 50 languages. Adapt your catalogue to your customer’s language.

Automatic tax rate choice

bebook automatically selects the rate of taxes applied to products according to the country or state where you are selling.

Digital products

Customers can order and load your digital products directly from your bebook online store.

Downloadable customer lists

Select and export your customer lists according to location, sales data and many other criteria.

Affiliation programs

Create affiliation programs and give a percentage on each sale done by one of your affiliates.


A dashboard shows your sales, your orders, and your site’s traffic.

Report exports

Reports can be exported to your favorite spreadsheet for detailed analysis, or sent to your accountant.

And a lot more …

bebook can cover all specific needs or customization, thanks to its versatile configuration.